The Festival School

Friday in our award-winning Children’s Area is taken over by our Festival School, a unique innovation in place to give more families with school age children the ability to attend an enriching event. We firmly believe that an education shouldn’t only exist within the boundaries of a traditional indoor space, and having an on-site school means that children and their parents don’t have to choose between attending the event or missing a day of learning.
The school requires official enrollment and permission from the children’s respective schools, runs from 9am-3pm for years Reception through till Year 10 on the Friday of the festival, and provides a huge itinerary of fun educational classes meeting key stage criteria.
The school has featured everything from; Maths (how to budget a music festival), PE classes by Derby County FC and Mr Motivator, Design & Technology (giving students the opportunity to create their own souvenir to take home!), Slime making, English, Mindfulness, Healthy Eating and First Aid, we have even had BSL classes.
Each year our wonderful volunteers return and make each year better than the last. We have a stringent Safeguarding policy ensuring that children’s welfare is paramount.
School FAQs
Why are you doing this?
We don’t agree with schools fining parents for taking their children on life enriching experiences. We don’t believe that education has to have 4 walls.
Who can enrol?
Any general public ticket holder. We cannot offer a space to crew or artists. You must have a booking reference number to enrol.
What age groups does the school cover?
We offer classes for Reception to Year 10. We do not offer Year 11 spaces as we believe that in GCSE time, this should be their focus.
How can you enrol?
Enrolment for 2025’s school is open now! Spaces are limited and they go very quickly. We do not hold a waiting list as in our experience very few drop out. Due to insurances, we cannot swap one child for another you know isn’t attending at any time.
You must only enrol your child in their current school year, if you enrol them in the wrong class, the enrolment will be cancelled and we cannot offer a place in the correct class.
You will need details of the school email address, emergency contact details for people who will be attending the festival and also of someone who is not attending the festival. You will need to provide details of any SEN, Allergies, medical issues, medication or anything we need to be aware of.
Enrolment will be via Ticket Tailor, we suggest you join our parent page on Facebook for updates.
Do I need a separate ticket?
You don’t need your ticket, your child will have their name on the register. If you have doubts they are enrolled check your account and if the details are there, then they are enrolled. We send regular emails to parents so it would be worth adding our address to your safe contacts so you do not miss anything.
What do the children need for the school?
Weather appropriate clothes, pre-applied sun cream if necessary, a refillable water bottle, a snack for break, their lunch and an excellent attitude towards learning. Everything else will be provided.
What safeguarding measures / training do staff have?
We have a designated safeguarding lead and the 4 of us are all Level 2 children and vulnerable adults safeguarding qualified with current DBS checks. We are all first aid qualified too and have epi pen training. No member of staff is ever alone with a child. We will also alert festival welfare of any concerns we have about a child, at pick up we are also extra vigilant and will have a member of the welfare team with us in case parents have been enjoying their free time a little too much and we feel they may be incapable of looking after the child.
My child normally walks to school themselves, can I just send them in?
No, an adult must be present at registration, this is to confirm certain authorisations and comply with our safeguarding policy.
What about at the end of the school day, can they just come and find us at the festival?
No, an adult must come and collect the child and provide the information given at registration. We also have the welfare team on site at pick up to ensure that parents have not been enjoying the free time a little too well and are in a fit state to be responsible for their child.
Will I be fined by my child’s school?
No. We require you to enrol your child in the Bearded Theory school and before the festival, we will contact your child’s school to arrange an “authorised absence” so they can attend school with us for the day instead.
How much does this cost?
Absolutely nothing. We believe that as a family festival, it’s important to ensure the children are happy. Happy children = happy parents
How do we get authorised absence?
Only the parents of children who are enrolled in the school can apply.. While we cannot guarantee your child’s headteacher will authorise the absence, we will do everything we can to persuade them to do so. We will send a scheme of work directly to the head and be available for any questions they have. Parents will then have to follow their own school’s absence request policy.
When do you send information out to the schools so I can apply for authorised absence?
This goes out the first week of term after the Easter holidays. Parents will be emailed at the same time with full instructions on the wording for the absence request.
How many kids are accepted into the school and how many teachers are there?
We have 200 spaces in the school. Each subject has a teacher, each class has 2 facilitators who stay with that group all day. This gives us 3:20 staff and students. Reception and year 1 have 1:5 for extra toilet breaks! Years 6 and above – the older ones have 1:10. In addition to this we also have the specialist SEN support workers, some are 1:1 others are just “their person in the class”.
My child is on a child protection plan, can they still join?
Absolutely, we pride ourselves in being a welcoming and safe environment. This means we will listen to your concerns and put a plan in place. If you do not want photos of your child being taken by our approved and DBS checked photographer, that is no problem.
What if my child is unhappy or ill during the school day?
We will do our best to look after them and adapt what they are doing so they feel happier, but sometimes it can all just be too much and despite our efforts they just want you, we will then phone you and ask you to come to the school to speak with them, encourage them to stay or leave with you. In over 1000 children we have had through the gates this has only happened a handful of times. Again if they are ill, we will do what we can as teachers and parents to help them feel better, calling medics over if needed. We will call you if you need to attend the school but only if absolutely necessary and will give you a full update on pick up.
How do I contact you about any concerns I may have?
The school team are very experienced in providing this opportunity and are respected by the parents for their professionalism and care. We welcome any queries or concerns you have to be sent to or via the Parent Page on Facebook.
Do you provide lunch?
No we do not provide lunch, when parents enrol they are asked to confirm they agree to provide a lunch and a break snack.